
Create A Prayer Bible And Pray Over Your Children

I'm Martha!

I'm a mother-of-two with a heart for family discipleship. We're in our fifth year of home education. Here you'll find all the things we're enjoying in our home.

hey there

If you want to pray for your children regularly but find yourself praying the same prayers, then creating a prayer bible will really transform your prayer life! My friend and I made our prayer bibles together and I have found it to be a super effective tool. I hope you find the same!

Benefits of a Prayer Bible

  • A prayer bible brings structure and variation to your prayer life. This is especially true if you choose to pray different themes on certain days.
  • It helps you pray the very word of God over your children, and meditate on those verses at the same time.
  • It’s personalised so you choose themes that are relevant to you and your child
  • If your child asks for prayer you can quickly find relevant verses and bring God’s peace to that situation.
  • When you feel tired or rushed a prayer bible brings inspiration to your prayer life.
Woman holds a compact, tan leather bible in her hand with colourful tabs

How to make a Prayer Bible


You’ll want a bible that is dedicated to prayer. You may have a spare one at home that you can make a start with. Or you may find yourself choosing a bible that differs from others that you use regularly. For example, I went for this compact bible because I wanted it to fit in my bedside drawer. You won’t use this for reading lots of text so a smaller font might be okay. You also won’t use this for study so you might like to try a different translation to your usual. Finally, opt for something affordable so you are not apprehensive about highlighting it and making it your own.


You will need a pack of bible highlighters and some sticky tabs. I was pleased with the tabs I purchased from Amazon because there are lots of different colours and you’ll want a different colour for every prayer theme. These tabs are also inexpensive and they aren’t permanent so you can move them around. I know that Avery Tabs are very popular too.


I highly recommend picking your first theme and just making a start. It took me a couple of hours just to highlight and tab my first theme because I didn’t want to make a mistake! In time, I found it relaxing and very straight-forward. My prayer bible is specifically for my children and my parenting, so I used the following themes:

  • Prayers for their salvation and God’s favour
  • Prayers for their walk with the Lord
  • Prayers for their protection
  • Prayers for my parenting
  • Prayer that I would be a joyful, loving, patient mother
A bible is open on a table. Some text is highlighted and the pages are tabbed.


You can download and print the verses that I have used (below). Otherwise, you can look online or in the back of your bible for a specific theme. If you’d like more information, search for Prayer Bibles on YouTube to find examples of how other people have made theirs.


Several sweet ladies have messaged me recently to say that they have made their own prayer bibles! Some have done this with a group of friends and one lady did this at a church youth camp. If you make a Prayer Bible of your own I would dearly love to hear from you. Tag me on Instagram @marthajosephine_ or leave me a note below!

Smiling woman holds a bible in her hands

Buying a Prayer Bible

If you’re looking for more ways to pray for your children, you could try The One Year Praying through the Bible for Your Kids by Nancy Guthrie. It is a daily devotional for parents which includes 365 Scripture Readings, Reflections, and Prayer Prompts.

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