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 You'll find recommendations for wholesome family movies and gospel-centred books for kids, encouragement for you as a mother, and a look into our homeschool.  Scroll and skim through till you find something to read, enjoy and share.


Open Doors Resources for Children about The Persecuted Church

the latest:

On Monday afternoons, as part of our homeschool, we invest time in discovering more about Christian Living. This is distinct from our time in the Word. Instead this is an opportunity to focus on learning more about the church, and developing spiritual disciplines in a practical way. Topics could include studying church history, the lives […]


Home Education

Year Six Homeschool Curriculum Choices

My daughter is headed into Year Six and here are the resources that I plan to use for her home education this year. If you are in the US, this is more commonly referred to as Fifth Grade. Language Arts In the first half of the year, we will work on our vocabulary and structured […]


Home Education

How we use technology in our homeschool

As a family, we use technology sparingly, and our homeschool is no exception. When we moved house four years ago we gave careful consideration to the environment we wanted to create. We made our dining table, fireplace and bookshelves central and put our TV out of the way, in the loft, where it’s now rarely […]


Home Education

A Day in the Life: Homeschooling Pre-K

I have just started homeschooling Pre-K, or what we call Reception here in the UK. You can read about what we did for Pre-School in this post, but here’s what we are doing for my four-year-old … Math We sit at the table and do ten minutes of math. We are using Math-U-See Primer with […]


Family Discipleship

Our most loved children’s bibles

Although I read an ESV Bible to my children, I love reading bible story books with them too. I like them each to have something that represents most of the bible, at their level that they can call theirs. I look for resources that are biblically accurate, that don’t add to the text. And I […]


Home Education

Our Favourite Yoto Cards And Accessories

My ten-year-old has had a Yoto Mini for 18 months and my four-year-old has had a Yoto for 6 months. I know these audiobook players have been popular for a long time but in all honesty I held off buying them for quite a while. We use the library and second-hand book sites a lot, […]


Table with a book on. Book cover is blue, with an image of a robot and the words 12 ways your phone is changing you


How Do Your Digital Habits Affect Your Walk With The Lord?

At a Women’s Conference last month, I was fascinated by a workshop on ‘Faith in the Digital Age‘ with Dr. Susanna Davies, founder of PAPAYA (Parents Against Phone Addiction in Young Adolescents). Dr. Susanna asked us to consider our own digital habits and the impact they were having on our mental and spiritual wellbeing. Her […]


A homeschool science curriculum sits on a table, with a bowl of ice, some headphones and an audiobook player

Home Education

Homeschool Curriculum for Year Five (2023 – 2024)

In the summer of 2022, my husband and I had a good chat about all the things we felt were important for our children to learn as part of their homeschool experience. We found that these things could be grouped into five different areas and these became the pillars of our homeschool. I now spend […]



Create A Prayer Bible And Pray Over Your Children

If you want to pray for your children regularly but find yourself praying the same prayers, then creating a prayer bible will really transform your prayer life! My friend and I made our prayer bibles together and I have found it to be a super effective tool. I hope you find the same! Benefits of […]


Family Discipleship

The Best Missionary Biographies for Kids

Want to share missionary biographies with your children? I’m going to share how you can do so in an age-appropriate way. I’m also going to give you a look inside six resources we’ve used in our home, so that you can determine which series is the best fit for your family. Things to consider when […]


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A family devotional helping kids grasp the enormity of God's love!