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Our Curriculum Choices For Preschool At Home (2023-2024)

A selection of books for preschool at home. One reads Jabari Tries, the other reads Last Stop at Market Street.
I'm Martha!

I'm a mother-of-two with a heart for family discipleship. We're in our fifth year of home education. Here you'll find all the things we're enjoying in our home.

hey there

I am so excited to share our homeschool plans for preschool and hope that they give you some ideas, if you plan to preschool at home! We will spend the next academic year doing all the things my pre-schooler loves, such as reading, crafting and cycling. Any investment that I make in his education, will largely be stocking up on crafting materials and quality picture books!

LWW Preschool Program

By Little World Wanderers

I received this Preschool Program as a gift from Beth at Little World Wanderers and I truly am grateful because it’s exactly what I wanted for our preschool at home. I believe this curriculum will serve us well for three main reasons:

01. The curriculum centres around reading to your little one. The book list has been carefully curated to portray a number of different cultures and experiences. I found Beth’s choice of books to be readily available, even second-hand.

02. Each week, Beth suggests four activities that are inspired by the book of the week. My pre-schooler is going to love the creative crafts, and the kitchen recipes! Some of the activities are drawn from practical elements of the story for example lemons, and sometimes they are based on the theme of the story for example courage.

03. There is a list of habits and chores which I have already found incredibly helpful. I know helping my pre-schooler grow in these areas will make a real difference to the running of our homeschool in future years! We will be spending one month on each habit, such as attention and truthfulness. And we will spend one week on each new chore, such as making the bed.

You can find the Little World Wanderers Preschool Program here and download a free two-week sample for your homeschool here.

Early Alphabet Literacy Book

By Little World Wanderers

My pre-schooler has a real interest in learning his letters! He often asks me how to spell words and already recognises a few letters. I am excited to introduce him to a new letter each week with the LWW Early Literacy Program. This works through uppercase and lower case letters over the course of a year. Beth includes several pages of great ideas for how to introduce letters through creative activities, movement and games. There are nearly thirty suggestions for ways to make learning really practical. These use things we already have, like playdough, salt and construction paper.

You can find the Early Alphabet Literacy Book for homeschooling preschool here.

Handicrafts for the Little Years

By Little World Wanderers

As I said, my little one loves to craft but at the moment we are junk modelling diggers and dump trucks on a daily basis! I am looking forward to the variety that Handicrafts for the Little Years will offer, and the quality of the end product.

This homeschool curriculum is designed for three – seven year olds, but I know my creative nine-year-old will enjoy some of these activities too. There is a handicraft for every week of the year, so we will be doing handicrafts once a week.

Beth indicates what skills are being developed through each handicraft, for example hand strength, spatial awareness etc and I find this really useful. I wouldn’t have known all the ways that one handicraft could help my pre-schooler develop, so this is really encouraging to me!

You can find Handicrafts for the Little Years for your preschool at home here.

Books for Preschool at Home

My pre-schooler has asked for “Tea and Books” so we will be doing this twice a week. I often bake something with him, and then enjoy our sweet treat with a cup of tea and a pile of picture books! He really enjoys this time, as do I.

I have taken to simply going along to the library and getting out as many books as I can. We do find some great books this way. However, I am always referring to good book lists – I particularly like Brighter Day Press. Unfortunately, our library does not stock many of these book recommendations but this year I am purchasing a few from second-hand sites. I know they’ll get a lot of use over the next few years!

You can find great lists, particularly for the little years, from Brighter Day Press here.

Preschool Math at Home

By Math With Confidence

A friend kindly gifted us with this book and I have found it to be such a great resource! It goes through simple math skills, using objects from around the home. So children won’t even know they are doing math, but you will be teaching them foundational skills such as counting to ten. All of the activities are quick and playful, with lots of movement, manipulatives, and games.

Local Groups

Every Friday we meet with friends from church to learn together. My pre-schooler has friends there, that he’ll do crafts and games with. There are also several church pre-school groups near us. When we first moved to the area we attended these regularly, now we take him to one of these when we can. Some weeks we have friends over instead!

Other Articles

I hope this was helpful if you are planning to preschool at home! If you have an older child you can read more about our fourth grade curriculum choices here.

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